
Monday, August 16, 2010

Oh!!! Oh!!! Oh!!!! It's Magic!!!

Sorry I didn't get this out on Sunday as promised but got home late - not that it matters...I sometimes wonder if anyone actually reads this anyways!!!

But - on to the 'reveal' - it is a new idea book - just like Cherish or Imagine but it is for INTERACTIVE PAGES!!!! Very cool!!! It is called Magic and you know that the artwork and ideas are top notch - as all of our idea books are!! It also comes with a CD - makes the design SOOO much easier!!! I am totally getting this!!! I know with the idea books that I currently have, I can use the designs over and over again and they always seem fresh to me.

Can't wait to get it!!! Stay tuned over the next couple days for more on our new items!!!

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