
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

We are Expecting!

Due late December or early January - when you weren't planning - the due date is a bit fuzzy! When we decided to tell the kids, we called them into the kitchen and Noah thought that he was in trouble. Warren told them and Noah looked at me and all he said was "FINALLY!". Jessica said "But you aren't fat yet Mommy!" I said "Oh, I will be." They were really excited so that was good. Jessica has a plan for taking care of the baby - she'll rock it to sleep at night "you don't even have to wake up Mommy!" she tells me. She also says that the baby can spend one week in her room and then one week in Noah's room and so on and so on. What a girl! Warren wants to find out what it is at the ilutrasound. I don't want to know but if it makes him feel more comfortable, I guess that i probably will. He wants me to get at least the blood screen for risk levels. I think that happens about the same time as the ultrasound. much less invasive than an amino so I probably will too. He thinks that I am at a higher risk becuse of my "advanced age" - he's one to talk!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats CArrie !!
    isnt it fun when the others are happy too.
    when i was expecting little Gavin my older ( then 11year old) Devon slamed the door in my face lol .. he was just a little shocked i think !
