Hi gang!
http://www.closetomyheart.com/PDF/0909_ContantCampaign_Flyer.pdfCheck out the link above for details.
There is a new package out from Close To My Heart. It includes 1 My Acrylix Everyday Celebration Stamp Set (D- Sized), 16 Colonial White Card Bases, 16 Colonial White Envelopes, 1 12x12 Dutch Blue Cardstock, 1 12x12 Colonial White Cardstock, 4 12x12 B+T Duos, 1 Chocolate Distressing Ink, 1 Dutch Blue Distressing Ink, 1 Mini-Medly Accents in Shades of Chocolate, 5 feet of Chocolate Ribbon with Colonial White Stitching, 50 foam sqaures, sponge and full instructions. The featured colors are chocolate, colonial white, dutch blue and (my fave) sweet leaf. There are several different ways to get this great deal. You can purchase $75 in stamp sets, host a home gathering between September 1-30, sign up as a new consultant between September 1-30 or buy it out-right for $49.95. Also, you will receive a new Fall and Winter Idea book with every order of this kit. "Express your passion for stamping with this pretty new card kit today!"